Artistic Vision

The ocean's vastness, with its hidden currents and contrasting power, resonates with the complexities of human emotions. Just beneath the surface, a world of immense strength and delicate vulnerability exists. This interplay inspires my exploration of grief's various stages and the transitions that occur.

My work delves into the hidden landscape of grief using clay, textiles, and pigments. Each piece acts as a fragment, reflecting the raw emotions that surface during loss and the quiet strength that emerges over time.

My current work Mourning to Morning invites viewers on a journey of self-discovery. As the ocean gradually reveals its treasures, the artwork exposes the transformative power of time and the potential for healing that resides within us all.


Born in Cleveland, Ohio (1976), Sarah Y. Lin's life took an early turn when she moved to Hawaii. The ocean both fascinated and frustrated her. The salty water stung her eczema, but the sand became her first canvas. From creative director to social entrepreneur helping women in India, Sarah has always been a creative force. Now, she bypasses words and speaks directly to the heart, crafting art that speaks a universal language of emotion.

At Sarah Y. Lin Studio, the logo mark holds deep significance. It coincidentally features the central Chinese character for jade, "yue," from Sarah's family name, "Clear Yellow Jade” (黃 Huang 玉 Yue 清 Ching). As an Asian American artist, Sarah is dedicated to preserving her ancestors' heritage and paying tribute to the shared reverence for porcelain in her culture. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, porcelain vases were glazed in celadon to resemble the exquisite yellow jade as a form of homage to this precious stone. Today, Sarah carries on this tradition by delving into the art of porcelain, perpetuating the legacy of honoring the beauty and rarity of yellow jade through her sculptural and functional decor creations.